
Ñàíäðà Ðîó
In my personal Temple The Lord‘s got the grin of the Beast.  They’ve covered my Soul with a mantle of tears snd pain. All i’ve got is my Spirit , try keep it , at least. I still hope and rely to be cleaned by the rain. All those candles are black and they flipped upside down. Shadows dancing on walls , their darkness is showed by flame. But the agony lasts for the Dark Lord enjoy. Don’t you worry we’ re close to the end of that game.
Discontinuous nightmare is life-long, will never be stopped. It’s not easy to build up but it’s easily maybe destroyed. What is Love ? It’s a true blessing name of the God . I believed it, but hopelessly try to avoid. Faith is gone , doesn’t live here no more, Trust is lost in a forest of lie, roses died,  i’m begging for accurate shot and i know that true blessing name of the God.
