As Jesus came to Father on a mount

Лёша Амельченко
As Jesus came to Father on a mount,
I come to presence of my God as well.
How many sins I've done no one is count.
As holy son You still receive me anyway.

No matter place, and time, and circumstances...
I'm going out of my life to come to You.
With faith, that You know all the consequences.
It's easy, like to know that sky is blue.

You gave the Word, complitely full of Spirit,
A bunch of promises You showed me in a dreams.
Dad, help me not just read, but really mean it!
Then I believe I will receive eternal peace.

May presence of my God to heal all pain:
The brokeness, the darkness in my soul.
Please, God, come closer to my life with holy rain
And make me washed as bowl after soup.

I'll get prepared for the Godly purpose,
Because of mercy, goodness, perfect love.
And I'm not scared of the hostile's forces.
Let me to be for You, as Noah's dove.