
Альбина Кумирова
Redeemed from the curses of law,
and saved by incredible grace,
I look at what happened with awe
and dreams of my future embrace.

Transitioned from darkness to light,
from jaws of the Hades I'm snatched.
I find in Jesus delight,
from worldly ambitions detached.

His death on the cross was my gain:
I'm free from the weight of sin!
His blood heals my memories' pain,
His blood liberates me within.

His blood gives me strength to withstand
satanic assaults and attacks.
It gives me the power and
I can in His promise relax.

No longer the future is bleak,-
with hope eternal it glows
since Jesus came sinners to seek
and me, as His child, He chose.

No longer imprisoned by death,
no longer tormented by fear.
God's Spirit is filling my breath
and prompts me to be of good cheer.

My soul by God is restored,-
the Bible of this reassures.
In Christ, I rejoice that the Lord
my place in Heaven secures.
