2008. English version

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- By the way, a friend of mine has an acquaintance, also Anna.
Russian. She kind of converted to Islam, and is running after him. He
wanted to marry her. One day he calls me and says: Ras, take me and
Aisha (kind of her new name) to the mosque for the mullah to seal our
And I say: “Sorry, bro, I’m not in it with you. I’m against it and I
won’t take you anywhere, you need a chechen woman”, - I said….In
the end, he didn’t do it. The foundation of such a union is not solid.
- I don’t need that. I want to go away to New York and become a
famous director. Go down in history.
- Oh! You my creative person…)
- In all likelihood, Hilary Clinton is going to be Obama’s vice
president. The wife of this flirt, ex-leader of the USA…) I hope she
won’t do oral sex in the White House…) Though, in her case, there
mustn’t be any spots on the trousers of her possible suitors left…)
- Today is Annet’s first working day. We’ll keep it on record -
December 16, 2008
- I don’t even know what to wear to the corporate party. I haven’t got
an evening gown. And yet D. will be there. I fancy him.
- D. forever!! Your evening gown is your brain and creative
personality, that’s enough. D. should duly appreciate that. Besides,
you’ll have to take off the dress anyway, so I see no use in putting it on
in the first place….)
- If there’s anyone to take it off, it’s only you.
- Ann, go sleep. I hadn’t heard your voice the whole day, and you
didn’t even want to talk to me for a minute. My opinion on you is
starting to change, in case you’re interested…
- Ras, I understand that it’s not the right time - you’re snowed under
and stuff, but if I don’t say it now, I may not have the balls later, or I
won’t have these feelings any more…but I’m terribly afraid of doing
something in a wrong way, that you won’t like me, or you’ll get bored
with me, and I’m afraid of these fears)
- You don’t understand how painful it is - to check the phone every ten
minutes…I can’t go on like this. And I don’t know which weakness is
bigger - stopping it here and now, or living in illusions.
- The bigger one is living in Novoross.