When Christianity is toothless

Альбина Кумирова
When Christianity is toothless
and flows with the common stream,
the powers of Satan ruthless
begin fulfilling their dream.

Locked, churches now cannot praise
the Lord so freely as before.
Confused and lost, their spirits daze,
while demons wage on them a war.

And I observe, bewildered, puzzled,
how people, following the crowd,
with voices gagged and mouths muzzled,
to them so easily have bowed.

Without showing resistance,
without even raising voice,
they have accepted masks and distance -
a sadomasochistic choice.

With rules and regulations tightened,
accepting humbly every lie,
into submission cowed, frightened,
they have decided to comply.

Are congregations free from any
external influences? And
how many people, how many
are ready not just talk but stand?

With their faith withered, faded,
not able to withstand a blow,
who, like Joshua or David,
is ready to confront the foe?

When governments pull on the reins
to stop us worship, who submits?
And who, unstrapped, unbent, remains,
as it a child of God befits?

When fear grips a congregation,
it blocks the Spirit and His breath,
resulting in asphyxiation,
which can produce the church’s death.

If faith by fear is corroded,
some Christians ignore these facts,-
they by authorities are goaded
to do abominable acts.

The Lord is grieving now, looking
how, prostitutes akin,
the churches with the world are hooking,
engaging freely in this sin.

For Him it isn’t a surprise,
as Jesus knows us too well,
that fears people paralyze
and to deny His Word compel.

When He will come with trumpets sounds
and with an acclamation shout,
to whom he’ll give eternal crowns -
to fearful or who speak out?
