Seeking compassion

Альбина Кумирова
Not from a fellow man I seek compassion,
for people can be treacherous, of course,
and sympathy is not today in fashion,
as neither understanding, nor remorse.

When hearts are losing empathy and pity,
one can become so heartless, like a stone.
In this aspect, the life's nitty-gritty
leaves me in the society alone.

To know the depth of loneliness' feeling,
when people are surrounding me, yet,
not caring, some lack of warmth revealing,-
this can sometimes hurt me and upset. 

"It doesn't matter," I repeat with sadness,
it's not for me to judge and wonder "why",
for they can offend without malice
by careless remarks, which mortify.

Should I complain, self-pitying, and moan,
or in revenge throw back a little dirt?
Oh, no! I should look into my own
mistakes and words, which did the others hurt.

Perhaps, the Lord is training me for meekness,
to be in peace, and with compassion live,
by recognizing frailty and weakness
in human spirits, learning to forgive.

Perhaps, the Lord to me is now speaking,
that dreams for understanding are too slim.
Perhaps, the Lord is teaching me that seeking
compassion I should only from Him?         
