A rope-walker

Антонина Иплина
(перевод с узбекского)

Balancing, in a flash
A rope-walker posed,
Like a tear on the lash
And his eyes were closed.

Under skies going on,
Charming tricks he made,
Though the rope he walked on
Was alike a blade.

When the show came to end,
Wondered at him,
People were clapping hands
Voiced in a vim.

Alas we, not the blind,
With the open eyes,
On a road that is wide,
Cannot walk sometimes.



Булутларга ёндош

Осмон остида

Киприкдаги ёшдай турибди дорбоз.

Киличнинг дамидай аркон устида

Кузларини юмиб юрибди дорбоз.

Одамлар,одамлар, уни олкишланг,

Каранг, у накадар эпчил ва уктам.

Биз-чи, эх… баъзи бир кузи очиклар

Эплаб юролмаймиз ката йулда.

(Абдулла Арипов)