Scanning my thoughts

Àëüáèíà Êóìèðîâà
Scanning my thoughts with the light of Your Word,
scanning my inner desires,
what do You find in me, dear Lord?
Enmity hidden or lies?

To bursts of anger,  or pride, or greed,
like many humans, I’m prone.
You, being Holy, such feelings, indeed,
cannot ignore or condone.

When I the life of Spirit neglect,
then I with You lose connection.
Father, I know, You cannot accept
anything less than perfection.

Only Jesus is perfect and He
saves from torments my soul,
and in His love I'm becoming more free,
I’m becoming more whole.
Only Jesus is offering peace,
with Holy God reconciling,
and in His love my anxieties cease,
if I in Him take asylum.

Guide me and fill me! Your Spirit can give
strength to withstand all temptations.
The blood of Jesus, this wonderful gift,
cleanses from foe’s accusations.

Wipe any blemishes, wash me within,
open wider my eyes!
You can remove any feasible sin,
make me more pure and wise!

Help me to live in obedience and
to overcome any weakness!
Then before people and angels I’ll stand,
being a faithful witness.


Romans 6:15-23 When it was suggested that I should speak today, I was quite surprised. Still I took the challenge as coming from the Lord, though I feel inadequate for the task: English is not my mother tongue, and I have no background of religious education. I had an opportunity to give my personal testimony and to read some of my poems in front of an audience, but this does not qualify me to speak on a biblical subject. My work at the Flame radio also doesn’t entitle me to be a public speaker. I edit myself quite heavily before any of my programs gets a broadcast!
Besides, my constant lack of sleep causes me memory lapses. That’s why, in order not to mess up my talk completely it’s better if I stick to my notes. Hopefully you would not fall asleep. By the way, if you have observed me nodding during church services, which has nothing to do with the quality of sermons here, but with my severe insomnia. Today hopefully I would be spared this embarrassment. It’s harder to fall asleep in front of a microphone, but if I do, please wake me up.
But to be serious, the Bible encourages us, ordinary folks, to share the Word of God between us, as it was a habit of the early church. This could help us to grow more, if we have to do preparation researching through the Scriptures. So, I’m here not to preach or teach but to simply share my own understanding of the subject, what it means to me personally with the hope hope that the Lord guides me to say the things, which can buid you up as well. 
* Surely, there must be something in my life or yours that the Lord wanted to correct and to refresh relationship with Him, because when Jan asked me what I would like to talk about, the very first word that came to my mind was OBEDIENCE, as a daily walk with Christ. Little did I know, how huge this subject is and, while getting ready, I realized that I have too much to say! So, I might have time only for introduction. My other notes will be kept for another opportunity. I titled my talk “Why do we need obedience?”
Alas, obedience is one of the least popular words nowadays in the culture, where pride and rebelion are rampant. It’s hard to resist the influence of the world, when we are directly or indirectly indoctrinated by the media. Sin is no longer called sin, but “an alternative life style”. We are encouraged to value  our ego from the very early age, to pamper it, far more than to show respect and love to God, and it becomes harder to stand up for christian values, when Christianity is mocked.
At first glance obedience might sound not as an exciting topic as the love and grace of God, or even 666. Some might even shrink at the thought of obedience. We all go astray and do wrong from time to time, don’t’ we, me including, but without addressing the issues of our hearts and applying them in real life situations, you and me are simply wasting our time. After all, I think, Christianity should be more practical than theoretical and obedience should be the most important word in a Christian vocabulary.
Why is that? Primarily, because God created us for a relationship with Him. Now, imagine two people, supposedly the man tells the woman he is in love with her, admires her, he tries to flatter her with compliments and even brings presents. Then she asks him to help, lets say with carrying something heavy or give a hand with house repairs. But he disappears to see another woman instead because it is more fun. You see, he enjoys the process of courting her, perhaps hopeful for a response, but deep inside he doesn’t care. How, this first woman would feel, if he returns back, because he couldn’t find any response from another lady either and starts flattering the woman again? At least this would be highly irritating, if not utterly disgusting, she would be even insulted. Does he think she is stupid? Perhaps, she wasn’t even slightly interested in him in the first place, because she felt all falsehood from the start.
Now, applying this picture in a spiritual realm, how often we come to the church singing praises to the Lord, even bringing gifts to Him, asking Him for favours in our prayers, and then forgetting about Him for a week, turning to the worldly life, not listening to what he wants us to do? So, for the Lord the world is like this second woman. How God should feel? Our Lord is a jealous God. For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. (Exodus 34:14).
In the book of Samuel we read “To obey is better than sacrifice”.  How often do we live according to the worldly principles, just because everyone else is doing this, without questionning if this is pleasing God?
Or it could be a man, who is in love, but one of her habits disturbs him deeply, like addiction to drugs or alcohol for example, or even something minor like constantly having in her mouth shewing gum, so he could not even hear what she is saying. But imagine, he is not even any common man, He is a prince, he belongs to a high society, where etiqette is very important. He is asking his girlfriend to give up on her unpleasant habits, but she is unwilling, even though she claims to love him too. How would he feel? Humilated?
There are, of course, bad habits that we cannot help, like me with my sinusitis, which activates at night time. I feel sorry for my neighbours hearing me snorting, because I cannot breathe. In this case I would expect compassion and understanding, but it quite irritated my ex.
Or how would feel a parent, when the child is lying, stealing, having angry tempor tantrums, quarraling with his siblings, or contatntly complaining that he does not receive enough presents from his parents? Or a husband, who has to send children to school while rushing to go to work, while his lazy wife, who doesn’t work, is still in bed?
But these examples are just about mere human beings. But the Lord is God, Our Creator, out of whom all blessings flow! He gives us eternal life! He is far more than any of us, who still like at least to be shown respect, if not love. When we ignore Him, it is just as insulting to Him as saying He doesn’t exist! Do you like to be ignored?
To help us to obey Him, we must focus first on who He is and who we are in relationship with Him.
    • If I declare Jesus as my Lord, naturally He owns me. In spiritual realm one can’t sit on the fence. There are only two masters: one is self-declared one, who usurped the power of God by deceiving Adam and Eve, the enemy of all humankind – Satan. The other is the true Lord, the son of God, Our true awesome Saviour, who loved me to the point of shedding His blood, paying for my sins the most horrendous price with His priceless life.
    • I am either a slave of Satan and sin or a slave of God and His righteousness. We are all in slavery to sin and need to be freed from its power as well as its punishment. The moment I trusted Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord, He has full rights to be my Master. I am His slave, His servant! Therefore He can do what He likes to me. I have to trust that whatever circumstances He puts me through, this is for my own good. All Christians are familiar with the verse from Romans 8:28 : “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Alas, we don’t really like to be called slaves, even though it is biblical, just as we have read this before in Romans chapter 6: “But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.” And when we obey Him God tells us: “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” (Mathew25:21)
    •  Jesus is my Teacher. He Himself said: “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples” (John 8:31). So obeying Jesus it’s not optional. Being a disciple of Jesus is an honour and what could be better than to be closer to Jesus? 
    • Lastly, and most importantly He is my Father! Jesus gave us example by crying out to God “Abba, Father!” There are several Bible verses telling us about God’s Fatherhood. Here are some of them: "And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:18). "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." (Psalm 103:13) or from 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
So, I am His slave, disciple, and a child of God in one! In every of these roles He is simultaneously my Master, my Teacher and my Father! All of these 3 positions require my submission, my subordination, and my obedience without ever questioning His authority.
Yet, we should not forget, Galatians 4:7 “So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.”  We obey not because of fear of punishment, but because it grieves us the Father to be upset.
And why not obeying, if I love Him and he loves me, and I know His will is for my good, as He knows what is the best for me? Who else can give me strength and peace beyond understanding, and even joy in difficult circumstances? “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (1 Chronicles 16:11) Who can give me compassion for those whom I find sometimes difficult to love? Who can give me hope in the world, which is rapidly going down like a Titanic, if not the Spirit of God?
Yes, it can be a struggle to have a total obedience in our lives. Of course, we are grateful for Jesus, for His sacrifice, covering our sins from the eyes of the Holy God, but is this a license for being complacent?
Alas, some Christians misunderstand the grace of God. They say: “God knows my weaknesses. He understands and forgives”, but the grace was not given to indulge oneself! The blood of Jesus is far too precious! It can not be used as a cover for our wrongdoing!
Yes, when we are justified by faith, and we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, as it says in Romans 5:1. God gives us mercy when we sin and repent, but at the same time His Holy Spirit warns us before and then enables us to live a righteous life. We can’t sit on our “blessed assurance” and willfully disobey.
In Titus 2:1–15 we read: “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”
So, why do I have to obey?
    1. We are created in the image of God and have to reflect this image in our lives. Alas, the humankind lost this resemblance, we marred the image of God in us since Adam and Eve by preferring the advice of Satan.
But when I declare Jesus as my Lord, I have to follow His example. He is my model to imitate, allowing God to start shining not only in my behaviour and attitudes, but also in my thoughts and feelings. In Leviticus 19–20 it says: “Be Holy for I Am Holy”.
Sometimes it can be disappointing, because we are so flawed. Yet, does the mother reject her baby because its development is delayed? A child might not walk because of his health reason. God knows all our circumstances! 
But there is a fine line: if we willfully continue to do wrong (not in ignorance), then we have to Him an answer. Here are some sobering words: “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.”  Hebrew 10:27
God is patient with those who are genuine, He is better than a mother, but He sees in our hearts if we are truly His. “My sheep know my voice, and I know them.” (John 10:27)
    2. Jesus Christ was obedient to God even to death. When He asks to obey when worldly temptations accost, obedience can be a painful process, but what a joy when we come out victorious! I have to remember this: “And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) The Lord would not ask us to do more than we can endure, and even when we can’t endure, he would equip with the strength to accomplish what is needed.
Would he ask to die for Him? We live at the time, when we have to be ready to be persecuted. When Corrie ten Boom during 2nd World War was worried about being arrested, she asked her father how could she endure it. Her father said: “If we go on a train, when do I give you a ticket?” She replied: “Just before we embark on the train.” he said: “So does God. He gives strength just before we need to use it”.
    3. Obedience proves our love, faith and trust for our Lord. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments,” said Jesus (John 14:15). When we obey out of fear, we act as slaves, but if we want to please the Lord, this is motivated by love. This means, we have to fall deeper in love with Jesus in order not to be fearful, because love removes fear. “We love Him, because He loved us first”
    4. Without obedience I might miss on developing a relationship with Jesus. It’s the greatest blessing of all! You see we can have tremendous knowledge about Christ, but that doesn’t mean we have a relationship with him. “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” (1 John 2:6) Knowing Christ requires we follow the Spirit who guides our life to live as Jesus lived. Then, we learn to depend on Christ being with us and guiding our ministry. Our thoughts and emotions identify with Jesus when ministering personally to others.
    5. We might miss well as on other blessings, such as welbeing, peace with others, and financial benefits. Deuteronomy 11:26-28 in essence says this: “Obey and you will be blessed. Disobey and you will be cursed”. This is an Old Testament, but the New one doesn’t contradict it. James 1:25 says that “whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it — not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it — they will be blessed in what they do.”
    6. “Obedience is better than sacrifice” said Samuel. Therefore obedience is our act of wholehearted worship. Romans 12:1:“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship”.
    7. Without obedience we also miss on growing. Galatians 5:22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Our spiritual growth is even more important to God our Father than our growth in physical, material sense. If a child doesn’t grow properly, this grieves the parent. Imagine a child being not able to speak or not toilet trained at the age of 12! He would be like an animal.
But how often Christians still act as animals, spiritually speaking, by following their instincts rather than the instructions of Spirit of God when we follow our carnal inclinations – lust, or anger, or deception, for example? Or bad mouthing? That’s why God allowed the government to put nappies on our face.
    8. And, of course, without obedience we also miss on the power of God helps us to accomplish the purpose of God in our lives.
    9. We have to allow God ‘s light to shine through us onto people around us and the power for the name of Christ to be glorified in us. Going to the church, praying and singing praises, evangelizing, visiting the sick, prisoners and helping those in need – all these works are necessary, but only the Lord knows fully if it was the result of a genuine faith or ambition, or desire to look good before other people.
He is concerned more about inner work of the soul than just external manifestations. The Lord wants to see not just deeds but the fruit of the Spirit manifested in our lives - love, joy, peace, forbearance, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
These are not easy to achieve, as our old nature kicks in all the time. Should we be frustrated, if we cannot achieve immediately our obedience? It would be a comfort to know that even the apostle Paul suffered from this too and candidly admitted: “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? ” (Romans 7:24). And what a relief to read this: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
We have to remember the Author of our salvation is the Lord and He knows how to bring us safely to the Kingdom of Heaven. After conversion to Christianity he gives us the seed of our new nature and the Holy Spirit to help us and to guide us. We are not alone in our struggle, we are not orphans!