A Trap for a Thought-Form. 28. Iconographer

Àëåêñàíäðà Êðþ÷êîâà

a novel in the series


I woke up in a great mood of changes! I decided to go straight to… the cemetery to ask local spirits, what I looked like, and if there was my own grave there. Yes, I agree, the idea of finding out whether I was a ghost or not became an independent program running in me. Anyway, my yesterday’s task required to do something I had never done before.

However, the spirits in the cemetery turned out to be not very kind: some of them paid no attention to me at all, some were busy with their own experiences, and some, like the ghost in the church, due to the recent transition to the Other World, hadn’t yet enough time to acquire the relevant experience in the field of visions’ classification. A little hope, although without a 100% guarantee, was inspired by the fact that there was no burial place of my physical body within the nearest cemetery.

To be honest, I was extremely pleased with another circumstance. In addition to the church, I was able to find in the Blizzard also the cemetery! Before that day, the only conscious spaces in my memory were the Mansion and my flat, apart for the mirrors of the luxury shopping centers.


“Listen, I don’t understand,” the Guardian turned in a whisper, meeting me in the Mansion. “Who did you invite? What does ‘The Iconographer’ mean?”

“He became an icon painter after some years of prison,” I said calmly, letting the Guardian take my fur off.

“Well, if he was in prison, then…”

“His wife paints. You like artists, don’t you? I’m sure he’ll bring her paintings to the Mansion and leave them here for the exhibition. As he always does. Wherever he goes, always with her paintings, and every time he leaves them there. By the way, I want to warn you…”

“Will you poison my coffee today?”

“I’ll change the program of the party.”

“WHAT’S???” the Guardian almost jumped.

“Yes,” I nodded. “I’ll announce the Open Microphone before the presentation of ‘The Iconographer’. Let the parts change places.”

“Will he be able to sit through the Open Mic to wait for his presentation?”

“For someone who has been in prison as many years as he did, 45 minutes of the Open Mic +15 minutes of the break is like a blink of his eye.”

The Guardian was about to object, but the hero of the party appeared in the hall with some assistants, who were laden with huge framed paintings by his wife.


Naturally, both the guests and the Iconographer himself were a little confused by changes in the standard program of the party, which had long been prescribed in their worlds. Fortunately for the glitch in my Matrix, nobody could contradict me, the host.

“Breaking the pattern + new elements (paintings of the Iconographer’s wife)! Lovely!” I smiled.

“A new element?” Roman asked, appearing in the hall.

“That will be your next task!”

“And who is making coffee today, Master?”

“I am, since I’ve already changed the party program!”

Over coffee during the break, I told Roman about my trip to the cemetery, while the Guardian was trying to resolve the issue with the Iconographer about the paintings, suddenly brought into the Mansion’s Matrix, clearly planning to move them to the Dungeon.

“Was that your new experience?” asked Roman, meaning the cemetery.

“I think so…” (“… for lack of other offers from those who read my mind…”)

I didn’t ask Roman about his new experience. However, if all our 28 nights there he was really reading me like a book, perhaps my revelations in their totality had allowed him to experience something new.

“It seems to me, Alice, your soul doesn’t really care if you’re a ghost already or not yet,” Roman supposed.

“It does matter to me. I don’t know why. Maybe because the Guardian, nodding at the Portal, said that there was Death. I can’t understand yet what he meant…”

“Weren’t you going to leave through the Portal for the Other World?” Roman grinned.

“The Other World and Death are not the same thing,” I answered mentally. (“…But when you came… I thought it would be nice to go through the Portal to the Spring, which makes our worlds intersect somehow, and we could be together…”)

Roman hugged me and kissed my third eye as the devil’s trill sounded.

Task No. 28. NEW ELEMENT

…With the goal of changing reality, the Magician builds his own Universe on 3 levels simultaneously:

* working with mental images in the Mental Sphere,

* attracting new emotions at the Astral Level,

* introducing a new element/object into the Physical Space.

The element or object introduced into your reality can be absolutely anything (a key box, a flower in a pot, a rug, clothes, shoes, a bread machine, a car…), but already prescribed by you in the picture of your Happy Future, from which it appears, as if being materialized, albeit purposefully by you in this case, however, setting a perfect example for all the other objects / attributes of your picture to follow, “Do like me!”

Launching a chain of changes simultaneously on 3 levels of reality gives you an almost 100% guarantee of your transfer into the Transit Zone.


After returning home, I wondered what I could bring into my Physical Space? It was well past midnight when, in writing my book about the Mansion, I finally reached the current moment.

“Would my manuscript be qualified as a new element?”