Banana tree

Õåëüãà Áëýê
Oh thank you dear Lord
For greeting me in Berlin
I took my strongest chord
Like ‘sharpened sword of Merlin

Turn yellow, dear tree
That grows in front of ‘window
I love you, one two three
Dem Deutscher Volke kingdom

Das Brandenburger Tor
Der Rhein mit dem uns binden
My heart is ‘blossomed core
Ich kann die Blume finden

I am yellow daffodils
That dancing in the air
I have no debts, no bills
Just time for flying spare

I am a banana tree
Attracting huge gorillas
I love you, one two three
Cruella nicht Devillas

I am your charming Queen
That crown that you have given
I am wearing with a keen

I am on my way to Mars
From Venus I have traveled
Thought million shining stars
I’ve reached my highest level

I am fostering good hopes
Be mine my weeping willow
No thorns, no cuffs, no ropes
Just ‘Heaven fluffed pillow

Escuchame, mi cielo
Tres metros sobre el
Is ‘painted nymph in yellow
By ‘dancing Queenie Belle