18 тайна гробницы. a fog above egypt. who they emp

Владимир Смелостев

First, that you will read about Egypt time, or Notation. Чумовую= biggest idea has put forward Чапаев, that a place for new capital Ахет- Атона have chosen, as most suitable, and the city is as a matter of fact " City Обсерватория ". But while about time! I have found, and it only one snapshot -stelae S around of capital! ". Briefly I shall remind that in the chapter " Rocks Амарны is described in detail. "
These up to 3 meters in height, was considered, but up to Чапаева, the fencing, but made on договорености = The contract with the god Атоном фараона /Эхнатона / is simple as! It is Direct translation, and here I have  a Name of the god "Атон" that Water and _ the Sun was written by Separate by 4 hieroglyphs __ Перо =Wings__ Каравай_.Bread_ In each line, them all downwards, ia part - up to 40 lines, and in каждлй on time two the name Атона is mentioned. Also was translated literally, and here emphasis that Аменхотеп 4 Agrees with Атоном, is not present! And when стелы if to take map of district from the book "Амарна" археолога Питри, I already knew - there will be a Drawing on district, but not mysterious, as in desert Наска, and figure a PYRAMID with sides in 15 kilometers turned out. It, as the Powerful telescope, and for Accuracy is not necessary up to 10 meters in a diameter to do(make) lenses. All is easier! Than the line визирования Is longer, the more precisely, about Seconds it is possible to define( the Sunrise. It as Палка = stack with wholly, that is directed on Восходы = Sunrise of the Sun in December 22, or June 22. But length of a line визирования 15 kilometers could measure Fluctuations in length of year in Seconds.
To top of Yellow colour - Installation date of a plate 13 years of government, and on seasons, What day, can on December 22, or June 33 establishes a plate! It is months and days, is higher. 13 years, that was written as: _Round = 10, and -III =3. Together to combine, it turns out stelae have put for 13 years of his government! On such monuments age of princesses also is (determined). Above them their Name, and name Нефертити, and then they of its daughter Меритатон and Анхесеппаатон, and them on 11 - 12 years! So measured Time! Here Duplication Эхнатон, children and Нефертити are twice cut out, and text on a photo Зеркально= mirror I have turned! The basic Unary text was written in Egypt mirror!
It is not necessary to block a head, that for reception, points of Installation of plates, and Line визирования, here Top of a triangle, is Northern Стела -Х, and this, Стела -S, the calculations were carried out! Simply could put, drive poles, having given directions on the Sun, and after to put stelaes. It specifies in particular that capital have constructed by 5 years of government, and stelae this in 5-7 years!.. P/s. Около  фараона, вверху дата установки стелы-13 год правления Аменхотепа 4. Ниже фигур- желтого цвета-квадраты- так тогда иероглифами, и Блоком писалось имя бога “ Атон” и  что стелы не  “ договор с Атоном” Аменхотепа 4, а Обсерватория Страница 18 перевод страницы 17..