О порядочности...

Павел Принц Де Монферран
Быть порядочным можно вполне,
В любом времени, в каждой стране,
Ведь порядочность - не в  героичности,
не зависит она от наличности !
Жить без подлости надо,  по совести,
До конца этой жизни повести...


Being kind is always in vogue,
In any era, any place,
For kindness is not about rogue,
It's not dependent on your race.

Living with honesty and grace,
Following your heart's desire,
Guiding you to the right place,
Never to give up or tire.

Speak and act with integrity,
Stand up for what is right,
Against all forms of iniquity,
With all your might.

Honesty and truth are timeless,
Not a fleeting trend or fad,
A pure and steadfast feeling,
Deep within the heart it's had.