Political correctness

Альбина Кумирова
Insidious political correctness
is pushed from top to bottom - to entice
with policies immoral, stupid, reckless,
for which the population pays the price.

Political correctness is a weapon!
When no longer wisdom operates,
in people's private lives it's to step in,
then it controls, divides, separates.

Abolishing the pleasure of discussions,
suppressing questions, murdering debates,
it threatens at the least with repercussions
and, using regulations, it dictates.

It aims at emotional responses,
discarding logic, merciless, it bends
all that is sound, filling us with nonsense
by wielding powers of crazy woke trends.

And now it's destroying education,
as those, who remain firmly free
meet disapproval, hatred, condemnation,
if they can't with everything agree.

By saying "Merry Christmas", when you mean it,
by calling woman "woman", we offend!
It's getting worse, it seems, by every minute,
when we cannot a private view defend.

The plague of political intrusion,
like locusts, is devouring our minds,
creating fear, anger, and confusion,
and more discord and problems of all kinds.

It's more than a societal malaise,-
it is an illness, causing freedom's death:
free thinking is a crime nowadays,
where minds, suffocating, gasp for breath.

Like gangrene, penetrating every nation,
destroying language, cumbersome it grew,
and at the core it's just manipulation
of human thought - in order to subdue.

When truth is censored, heavily diluted,
and governments our liberties oppress,
the freedom is imprisoned, persecuted...
You cannot in this climate thoughts express.

Disguised in a phony pseudo-care,
it hides its malevolence beneath.
The New World Order, cruel and unfair,
reveals Big Brother's fists and rotten teeth.

When media makes steps, alas, gigantic,
eliminating basic human rights,
there is no reason for becoming frantic,
when you are guided by the Lord's insights.

Although this world upsets and disappoints,
when we for freedoms of past days morn,
have no fear all, whom God appoints
to be His children, of His Spirit born.

In order to combat the world insane
that dominates media online,
one cannot silent presently remain,
who truly cares for the truth to shine.

A Christian with this Goliath fights
relying on the weapon of the Word,
defending godly principles and rights
by using this divine mighty sword.

Oh, give us wisdom, Lord, when we are facing
the giants of this day and fear not,
protect us, with your angels wings embracing
and show the Goliath's weakest spot!
