I search for people on the misty Earth

Арсений Коваленко
I search for people on the misty Earth
To share my journey, follow with no fear
At least up to the place where Dante wrote:
All hope abandon, ye who enter here.

I’m also glad to meet the ones who help
Just with a meal, a bed and gentle words
When we are cold and hungry on our way,
Who host us for a night so we move forth.

God bless us all. Life is a spiky thing.
It’s hard like making dresses out of snow.
God bless us all when we are getting hit
With sticks and rocks for reasons we don’t know.

We’ve beared so much! We’ve seen a lot of pain,
We’ve been just living, trying to deserve
Some quiet time. The time that never came.

I search for people on the lifeless Earth...

2020 / 2023