And who is he

Татьяна Даина
And who is he to wave my soul,
To move it and to shake?
I crouch and try not to attract
Attention of this snake.
And while he is passing by
So slowly and so neat,
I worship God, I pray
My lord, be merciful to me

For he is hunger, he is greed
I'm starving for his gaze,
Oh dear Lord why don't you care
About the starting blaze?

And do you know what They would say,
For Them can't hear my plead?
I cease to be if he is near.
I'm feeling incomplete.
I close my eyes and he is there.
He lives inside my head.
He is a thought, a swirling thought
That I just can't escape.

And when he's gone I can't forget
How feelings did arose.
I want to know his arms, his chest,
A kiss that never was.