If you are My disciples...

Альбина Кумирова
If you are My disciples, then you are
obedient to Me, you'd hear My voice,
you wouldn't walk away from Me too far,-
My teaching will be always your choice.

My teaching will be always your guide,
if you can hatred from your feelings cleanse.
If you could from your heart extinguish pride,
then you are My disciples and My friends. 

If you can practice patience in your acts,
you'd listen to objections, being calm,
and stick to Truth by verifying facts,
without being vexed without qualm.

I am among you, if you show love
among yourselves and even to your foes.
You'd follow the Spirit from above,
wherever it, despite your doubts, goes.

Hold on to Me, be faithful in all,
forgetting not that Satan prowls around:
he's seeking to devour your soul,
by making you by sinful ways bound.

I am the One, who save you from the pit
of rotten nature that in hell would burn,
where an idolater or any hypocrite
would finish their lives without return.

Stay focused on My teachings every day,
from Me alone Truth and Justice stream.
Then any problem wouldn't make you prey
to any cunning trick or wicked scheme.

When you on Me alone concentrate,
preserving in My Spirit all your soul,
My love through you would freely emanate
and make all other issues rather small.
