Thoughts and Essays, Provocative and Misanthropic

Игорь Ткачев
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here"

Why are we all in hell?
People are trivially tricked into thinking that "life is beautiful" and they "should be thankful for the precious gift called life", by conventional thinking, the Church and state, popular societal trends like conventional optimism, although this very idea is pure manipulation purposefully making man feel both guilty and thankful for something he has not done and has had no say in.
A mere popular stance and psychology having as little to do with objective reasoning and the real state of affairs as most ideas the common human mind gives birth to.   
So, why is our life hell? 
1. We had no choice.
We had no choice and will to be born or unborn into this world.
Factually, we were made to. Which is a forceful imposition of extraneous will and design onto an object against its will, the very fact that excludes good will, deciding and thinking for yourself.
And by being brought into this world, we have to make the best out of it, like a life sentence prisoner has to make out of his confinement, literally forcing himself into believing his situation ain't that bad to somehow make it through. Which is enough in itself to admit we are not where we want to be and do what we do not want to do. 
2. Every living creature suffers in this world.
Objectively, suffering is the predominant condition of every living thing in this world, a requirement to survive. Again, we may believe and find by making a certain mental effort that life isn't only about suffering and full of good things like good food, Christmas and sex, factually and objectively, the existence of every living creature is about suffering from birth to death.
Be it an unconscious mouse, an elephant or a highly conscious human, all living creatures objectively suffer. Fear, pain and suffering considerably and naturally outweigh short periods of non-suffering, happiness and peace which in turn require a constant significant effort to gain and sustain.
(That is why, for example, appx 90% of the modern human population, in certain periods of their lives take to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to alleviate their suffering, fear and pain and we hardly see any stories of happy life and peaceful demise).
3. Living makes no sense.
First off, if it did, this issue wouldn't be so popular with thinkers and common people, too. It is quite evident that highly conscious humans struggle to find some sense in their quite senseless and dull (beside eating, breeding and having superficial fun) life inventing and re-inventing religions and paradise with hell, helping other people, learning something in this earthly hell to progress further on to other forms of cosmic existence, family, tech progress and other superficial nonsense. 
For a thinking mind it's quite doubtful that human life makes any sense beyond incessant breeding and improving on his breed, like sheep or a virus.   
Life is hell itself through the violence and hell the human inflicts upon himself.
Incessant wars with ever-increasing numbers of casualties and ever-developing weaponry of mass destruction, the destruction of the environment, whole ecosystems, inhumane and senseless killing and suffering of the most vulnerable from humans to animals, depleting resources, consumption and greed at their highest ...
One must be really ignorant and in his ivory tower to claim we are on the right way and things are only getting better. 
Look honestly at the world now: are we any happier than before, does our life make more sense, is there less fear, pain and suffering?
And this eternal idea for immature minds that tomorrow will be better than today...

Irony of history, and human ignorance, is that the great men and heroes of today are often suppressors and murderers of yesterday.

Why Heroism and Heroes are Stupid
One of the cornerstones of many state ideologies in many countries is heroic acts of their people. Most countries have sagas, myths and legends about such valiants told and taught in school, books and movies.
Heroes, from the ancient Beowulf slaying monsters and dragons to war heroes sacrificing their lives on battlefield to modern-day societal and technological champions were always sought after, copied, glorified...
Because such characters rectify tricky situations, push things forward,  serve an example for others to follow the suit and are spiritual leaders and role models for national pride.
Why is it stupid to be a hero?
1. Coz it's always a manipulation. Tinkering with your mind, a suggestion, making you do what you don't think of doing yourself, others' will;
2. a heroic act is often a tricky, dangerous situation created by others you are manipulated to solve at your own cost. And often the cost is your health and life;
3. a "heroic act" is an opportunity for the state or an authority to save money and resources - instead of investing needed efforts and resources state authorities often prefer heroic acts that save them money, let them make up heroic myths and legends to galvanize and manipulate populations.
4. Most heroes rushing into burning houses or commiting heroic deeds on battlefield are ignorant of the risks and aftermaths of doing so.
Psychologically, often a so called "heroic act" is an emotional impulse of a brain under duress lacking information and time to think things over.
As are ignorant most going to war and rejoicing to fight, and be maimed, killed and forgotten by those who had sent them there.
(By statistics, the ratio of people ready to commit a heroic deed prior to and after is appx 2 to 1).
Galileo, the main character in "The Life of Galileo" by Bertold Brecht, said: "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero". Because this land is messed up and ready to sacrifice its people to correct the situation.
And what do you think?
Would you go for a "heroic act", become a hero?

Did you notice how many people are literally unable to stay focused on a topic and not to succumb to going Ad Hominem - discussing their opponent instead of what he says?
This "culture" is so widely spread that I have even made a research and found out on average this personalizing/Ad Hominem, sooner or later, occurs in appx 70/ of all cases across personal talks or political debates.
Which, in my experience, makes a discussion too narrow and even totally futile.
People talk people.
Not ideas.

Why it is useless to argue with most people:
1. most people are limited by their narrow personal knowledge and experiences - mostly there's no way to make them see more than they have, to pull them onto a new level;
2. they do not seek the truth and try to understand new things - they are there to defend their perceptions, visions and ways of life and win "the battle" - the debate;
3. they would rather give judgements and personal estimates than discuss topics and ideas;
4. they respect big names rather than the ideas behind them;
5. they have little critical thinking and are rarely able to critically analyze what they are fed;
6. they tend to go into small details and take one side against another, rather than see the whole pucture;
7. patriotism is more important to them than the truth - an inability to be objective, unbiased and honest;
8. they confuse charisma and emotion with truth;
9. forms and appearances are more important to them than contents;
10. they are full of conventionalities, superstions, ethics, fake history and national pride etc and are always influenced by them.
Most people just repeat.
Repeat what's not theirs...

We live in a world with a lot of questionable and doubtful notions that are absolutely and unquestionably good or bad for common people.  One of such notions is "reading is always good for you". 
I personally always come across this "reading always does you good" notion, and nearly never come across any "reading isn't always good" or "reading is bad for you" notion. 
Having read volumes and volumes in various languages myself, from Shakespeare, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Montagne to Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, I would like to bring up some rarely mentioned (and very unpopular) reasons why reading is not always good or even bad. 
1. App. 90% of books are just nonsense.
Pulp, rubbish, harm... 
2. Even so-called good books, the classics like Tolstoy and Schopenhauer, were written by humans - and "errare humanum est".
They are full of far-fetched ideas, questionable notions and exaggerated situations. Which the reader must discern and not trustfully take  as the ultimate truth from the hands of the "genius writer".
3. Books, and good books too, are brilliant thoughts of others. Others in their time, their situations, with their characters and in their cultures.
Which means, they do not always fit in with your time, culture and situations. They may be ambiguous, questionable and just contrary to your thoughts and perceptions. And, those "brilliant thoughts" aren't yours. You have not worked them out, lived them out, bled them out... You just take 'em, and throw 'em in, and show off...
4. Living by others' great thoughts ain't living with your own mind. In other words, others' words don't make you.
5. At some point, having read selectively and carefully, rarely and attentively, one should stop reading others' wisdoms and start reading this world in his own words and thoughts, with his own mind. Contemplating and meditating, watching and looking, and making a picture of this world of his own. Honestly and deeply. 
Start "writing" instead of never-ending reading.
Unfortunately, most people prefer using and citing others' bookish wisdoms rarely questioning and doubting what they read in a hyped-up book, blindly trusting a dominant name. Just retelling others' ideas and not generating their own.

One of the signs proving most people, despite their modern superficial attributes and tech progress, are ignorant and in fact have not much developed is the fact most of them continue worshiping so called national and historic heroes, political and military figures and characters each of whom was a conqueror, mass murderer and agressive military alpha usurping power and often so for the very forefathers whose descendants afterwards make national heroes, idols and icons like Chingis Khan, Timur, Napoleon, Stalin etc., worship and idolize them.

German philosopher G.Leibnitz said that we lived in the best of all worlds possible.
Me, and A.Schopenhauer and F.Nitzsche too, believe we are in the worst of all worlds possible and this is some of the proofs:
1. Not only us, humans, but all living creatures are born in pain, live in fear and die in suffering.
Watch a mouse, a dog or a human and you will see their most frequent emotion is fear.
Fear not to grow up and survive, not to pass its genes on, to be ostracized, to be attacked and killed, fear before its own kin and other predators...
Fear not to fit in, to fail, to be rejected, to lose a job and roof overhead...
Fear, fear, fear everywhere... is the most frequent emotion experienced far too often than any other emotions.            
2. Every living creaturefrom bacteria to whale, from day 1,  struggles to survive and lives off killing and devouring other living creatures down the food chain.  Permanent hide-and-seek, kill-and-devour, or be devoured by other more competent and stronger opponents. Such a "bloody" life is hard to truly call happy.
3.We all are prone to thousands of deadly ailments and thousands of small discomforts and inconveniences.
In fact, our intricate bodies are so imperfect and feeble that we feel discomfort at the slightest disbalance out of our habits.
We must constantly support ourselves with food and drink, permanently fight the elements, keep warm and dry and in good moods - otherwise we quickly fall ill and again suffer, suffer, suffer before we die.
4. We live in a world where we constantly compete and wage wars. We start competeing in kindergarten, continue in school and throughout life till we die. This keeps us in ongoing stress and often makes sick and even dead.
When we grow we often try to kill others, very much like us, to take away their land, resources and money, or instead get crippled and killed by them.
We have made up thousands and thousands of silly conventionalities, rituals and ceremonies, laws and reglaments with seemingly one purpose: to make our already difficult lives even more complicated.
We live and die constant sacrifice that our socium demands from us.
5. Our sense of frustration and unhappiness is more persistent, permiating and omnipresent than our short-lived sense of satisfaction and happiness. Our chase after the latter is permanent and "all is vanity and chasing after the wind".
Our world, despite its technical and humanitarian progress, is so far from being just and happy that what's left to us is making ourselves pretend we live a happy life with a sad face full of troubles.
And this is why, as some sort of solace and comfort, various religions made up imaginary  paradise.
A thousand writers and poets wrote, and artists painted various Promise Lands, Sun Cities, utopias where "the lion would lie down with the lamb" and man would finally come to peace and happiness.
Well, if that's not enough to say our world is far from being "the best", then go ahead, throw a stone at me.

There's definitely something wrong with humanity.
Tech progress doesn't help much - we are still enslaved, stressed out and unhappy, our environment is polluted, wars become deadlier and more massive, our peace of mind is farther away than it was with our forefathers.
Where did we take the wrong turn, and did we?

Our life can not have a meaning or make sense cause it's 90% a hoax, filled with mental and existential trash, misleading quasi meanings we take seriously.
Most things we do, have no such high meanings as we are made to believe.
Religion, family, education, career...
Factually we live a lie looking for the truth. Which is ridiculous.

We live in a world of thousand frauds.
Deceptions we take for truths.
Religion, love, life and death...
Our education, optimism, ethics...
Literature, homo sapiens, the world...
All notions are impregnated with manipulative semi-truths and often are the opposite of what they are believed.
We live in a fiction, in an illusion, slowly getting to the truth itself, as we wake up, and we don't like it...
We hate it, we can't bear it...
And we die when we are fully there...
PS for those who need a bit of down-to-earth deciphering:
Your education and history are a fraud.
Your Rothschilds medical care is a big fraud.
Your marriage is a fraud.
Your need to study, work, climb the corp ladder and make a career is a huge fraud.
Your reasons for wars are frauds.
Your politicians are frauds.
Your ethis are lies.
Your language and political correctness are full of lying and a fraud.
Your celebs and arts are shit and a fraud.
Your principles and beliefs ain't yours, and a fraud.
Your religion is a gigantic fraud.
Your language is an embelished baby talk and a fraud.
Your are sands grains, a tiny speck and are lied too
You are not 'the crown of creation" and any important, you're one of 100 billion humans that have existed and ain't any better 'an any of them.
You life is an illusion.
You rave...