Thoughts in the night...

Viktoria T.
...when the world is quiet
when everyone is sleeping
when stars are opening their eyes
when children are watching their dreams
I am listening to the silence
trying to hear the thoughts
the hopes and wishes of people
... how do you know that your friends are still your friends, if you haven"t heard from them for a long time?...
... how do you know that they will still understand you and you will still remember their songs, when you will get together again?...
... how can you feel that your child is save even if he is far away from you?...
... how can you remain  connected with somebody who have died?...
... how can you be sure that you "have found your soul mate, if you were just talking via internet?...
... should you judge your life from the point of view "it could be better" or should you always think "it could be worse"?...
... how can Prosperous understand the pride of Poor?...
... and why sometimes you cannot cry even if you want?...

Rhetorical questions in the middle of the night...