Living in you

I lose myself in you:
Feel safe, extremely peaceful.
I reconcile my craze, excitement,
The power of staying true to life,
Where only you exist.

And having entered you
I merge with your supremacy,
Allow myself to survey you,
Uncover your uncertainties and fears,
Which are so deftly hidden.

I stay in you for centuries
Refuse to leave the harmony,
Which shelters me so well from
The malicious world of the reality
That keeps us separated.

Having become a part of you
I learn to cry and laugh with you
I feel your sadness, joyfulness.
I saw the things you never told a soul,
The pain you have gone through.

I die in you, but willingly
For I have learnt that nothing else
Can make me live so placidly,
Except when I am in your inner world
And breathe with your own breath.