You are so far and you are so close

Илья Черный
Поэтический перевод на стихотворение
моей самой большой подруги на сайте Олюньчика! aka Ольга Босс.

You are so far and you are so close,
You are inside my heart, inside my soul,
You light my life, you show me hidden roads,
The ways to live, the ways to play my role.

You add me wings and carry to the sky,
You give more space for my eternal dreams,
You never say me "not" and never "why",
You are Musician playing on my strings.

I can't expect the distance is the barrier!
It is not true - it helps sometimes to live.
And let us never ever be together -
I'll keep my precious feelings, I believe.

The destiny doesn't promise me to meet you
But dreaming you my blood becomes so hot...
And never mind it if I would little miss you -
I know - that is LoVe... And thanks to God!