
Àíäðåé Áåëë
Âñå ðûçüìû ñîñòàâëåíû â ñîàâòîðñòâå ñ Áèëëîì Ì.

Ñòèõè.ðó íå ïðèçíà¸ò äèàêðèòè÷åñêèõ çíàêîâ (accent aigu, grave è ò.ä.)

Charge d’affaires – charged with affairs

Political columnists – calumnists

Always I Siam always
End with a Thai (die) ?

Don’t cast aspersions on Persian asses

Pourrire – make fun – pour rire

Aphro(Afro)disiac – Asiadizziac

Downtown – where is “down”?
Syndrome sufferers live? 

Shutdown – la chatte down

Äèìà äîìà? 

Donatello – little donut
Donatella – little she-donut

I donut know

Raisin – raisinable

Sans raison – without a raisin

Matched potatoes (with machete) – smashed ‘tatos

Almanach – available for monks

Stalin – stale from Tallinn

Parisians – parasites

Scorn porn, not corn

Parisees – followers of Pareto (like Pharisees) – Parsees
