Translation from Black Fox, Свобода?

Резникова Оксана
Here it goes
 the frenzied glare of light;
Merciless Sun tears the top
 of high clouds apart;
Everything will be repeated...
 Oh, folly and fright
Of Two equali powers,
extorting the Aeon to start!

Start is the feeling, but end is
 a merest haze;
Closing the circle of pain,
full once more to the brim...
Inkling of madness in someone's
  familiar face -
Isn't that one who was set
 irreversibly free?

Congruent spears are searing behind you,
There Odds and evens, with greediness,
 stricke on the head;
Two equal powers, bearing Time,
 are just left
Somehow unbalanced. And is that
 what You call A freedom?

ОЧЕНЬ рекомендую ознакомится с оригиналом!

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