Merry count

Татьяна Александрова

The elefant is lonly one.
He's very sad in big savanne.
He doesn't speak when sun and moon
Let's send him letter very soon.


Two very largest crocodiles
Look at the animals from Nile.
They're very lazy drive for fishes,
But very want to have the dishes.


Three rapid birds
Tell us some words:
We're very cold and can't to sing
And want to know when comes the spring?


Four little monkeys jump and look
They want to read the interesting book.
But they must wait for one more year.
They'll go to school and study there.


Five flowers wave their eyelashes,
They call to play Ann, Kate and Alex.
The bush is far from our city,
But we'll make there our meeting.


We have six apples on the branch,
But can't to eat all them on lunch.
We'll add to it a lot of plums
And cook fruit salad for the Mums!


The squirrel hided seven nuts
Under the leaves of trees at night.
But winter covered it by snow
And in the spring the nuts will grow.


Eight mice are playing with the cat,
But we advise them be afraid.
Because the cat doesn't want to play
And can to eat all mice one day.


Me and Mummy went street down
Kept the windows account.
Saw the house big and nice,
It had nine windows equal size.


We want to go to child care
It's full of our friends there.
And how many girls and boys?
Exactly ten are playing toys.