I am in love

I am in love, but yet I have to hide it
To find and kill my sadness like a rat,
Before my feelings (all in one united)
Get ready to burst out of my heart.

I have to hide in jokes that I'm worry
About her and mock at her a bit
Without saying how much I'm sorry
For every time I use this kind of treat.

I have to calm my blood when we're alone
And all I want from her is just a kiss.
She touches me, - I turn into a stone
Before my soul turns into a mist.

She laughs, - I'm ready for the happy lopes.
Her smiling eyes produce the brightest light.
I must not dream, as dreams are mere hopes,
But any hope's just a suicide.

Would she enjoy the news of all my passion?
She might; but then, my soul will be hurt.
From now on, I'll write to her in Russian
To save my heart, to hide my love from her.