Emily Dickinson - The Martyrs

Ирина Санадзе

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Лица -повернуты к Богу.

Достойнейшая публика;
Конвульсии ? Так это
Следы метеоритов
Вокруг планеты.

Чисты их помыслы,
Тверда их вера;
Так, стрелка компаса
Не теряет север.

 Эмили Дикинсон

 The Martyrs
Through the straight path of suffering
The martyrs even trod;
Their feet upon temptation,
Their faces upon God.

A stately, shriven company;
Convulsion playing round,
Harmless as streaks of meteor
Upon the planet's bound.

Their faith the everlasting troth;
Their expectation fair;
The needle to the north degree
Wades so, through polar air.