Доченька моя

Лев Френклах
Не всегда,
известно всем,
мечты сбываются,
Но в любви
такое чудо получается.
Это счастье,
и отрада,
и горит день ото дня
Свет души моей –
доченька моя.

По утрам
твой голосок,
- глоток бальзамного.
Голубой огонь
из ролика рекламного –
Это глаз твоих сиянье
всех маня.
Свет души моей –
доченька моя.

Пусть летит
пушинкой жизнь
в любви и здравии,
Чтоб веселье
и успех
тебя забавили.
И в час добрый
нам на радость
в свете памятного дня
Станешь мамой ты,
доченька моя.


Daddy’s Little Girl

Cherished dreams,
as luck would have it,
sometimes do come true.
I adore my lovely daughter
with her eyes so blue.
What a truly magic feeling
to be blessed with precious pearl.
You will always be Daddy’s little girl.

You are sunshine,
warm and tender,
touching me so sweet.
Your delightful smiles and laughter
make my life complete.
You are beauty
and excitement,
angel heart and pure soul.
You will always be Daddy’s little girl.

May your life
be nice and easy,
full of fun and health.
May success and loving fortune
constitute your wealth
Then in good and darling season
you will pick a major role -
You’ll become a mom, Daddy’s little girl.


The days whizz by
without a trace.
No chance
to remember them all.
But birthday’s fun
is hard to erase
No matter
how old and how tall.

It may arrive
as a subway train,
It may be
a total surprise.
The magic birth!
It’s hard to explain
The wonder
in front of your eyes.

And then
you grow
and soak up the world
And flourish
and fill up your life
With love and joy. 
The duties preferred
Are mother and daughter and wife.

And here we are
on your special day
With wishes
and flowers
and hugs
We cannot escape
some well-trodden cliche
By toasting with glasses and mugs.

Many Happy Returns of the Day!