Wisdom of the rain

Just listen to the rain whispers soft
Soft like the blood of veins bleeding still
It's drops erasing all the "yes" and "not"
And then so easy open wounds to feel

To feel the salt in tears tearing mind
To feel the light in darkness making blind
To feel the truth in mirror crashes down
To feel the pain of soul already thrown

Just listen to the rain dripping strong
Strong like the heart of body moveless lies
It's numb inside but beauty stays so long
And then so easy open wounds to die

To die for world that can't be kept inside
To die for god that never takes you high
To die for roles you always play to live
To die for nothing giving you relief

Just listen to the rain howling wild
Wild like the rose of love exhausting soul
'tis pretty warm but turn to lifeless vile
And then so easy open wounds to fall

To fall down under breathless stoned tombs
To fall beyond the skies and hand of Doom
To fall before your tears make you hide
To fall to point where black turns into white

Just listen to the rain you'll know all...