Перевод Наутилус Помпилиус Крылья

Хельга Тарасова
You are taking off evening clothes
Turning your back to me
And I see there scars and sores
On your skin that was smooth like silk
It is painful, it hurts me to tears
And there's no salvation in sleep

Where are your white wings
that were so precious for me?

Once we had time for each other
Now we are both occupied
We are proving that strongest beats weaker
We are proving that darkness is white
And each of us loses something
In this war that we can not win

By the way, where are your white wings
that were so precious for me?

I don't ask about chances you want to catch
Do not ask about what was before
But I see you're afraid now to stand on the edge
Near windows on upper floors
What if fire appears in the house of ours
What a chance to survive would there be
Without those wings, my dear
that were so precious for me?