Михаил Якубовский
Everything has a beginning and everything has an end.
And even mountain rocks that are solid will be in time just sand.
They dig the Mother Earth,with heavy duty metal tools as if it's fun
They make you think the planet's blood will save your life.
 "And anyway it does belong to you it should be used",-they say.
It takes no time in our days, not even single thought, to take
An axe in hands and have the live oak simply chopped.
The mother nature isn't late for any train she's so afraid to miss.
There is a life to give, there are her kids to take care of at least.
A man has everything, but he for sure has no time.
There is no grass,just photo cameras on wheels,on Mars.
For just how long you will be looking for a life among the dead,
When it's high time to save your own, yet alive, home from the death?
If you'll keep taking goods you "need" with no feedback,
DO NOT expect your money pay it back,there will be just no luck!!!
If you are thinking now: "One man is not enough to fix the world."
I'll tell you this for start,I'll give you little key, one word :" LOVE."