Something s missing in my life

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I feel like something’s missing in my life!
I have my credit card, my home, my car…
But every day I feel this cutting knife…
It’s carving letters on my bloodless heart…

In every book I read about the Feeling!
They say about the Pain, that’s brought by Love…
But as for me… This pain… it must be healing!
It’s Angels’ gift, it’s given from above!

And I believe! I hope… today, tomorrow…
I’ll meet the One, who’ll bring this sweetest pain!
Forget these rules! Just follow, follow…
Barefoot… with Him… in pouring rain…

One phrase “Good-bye!” will kill me
Until we meet again next day!
But yet, I know this pain will cure me…
The Pain of Love… The Healing Pain!

But now… again this standard kiss!
On driving seat… and start the engine!
I will not cry! Thanks for your gifts!
How I hate this! You can’t imagine!