You re my number one

The Sun shines so brightly and the Earth goes around,
But I am so lonely, I’m crying aloud,
I’m waiting for you, it’s already so long,
But I know you’ll come, you will sing me a song…

You’ll tell me «My baby, I missed you so much,
I’m happy I see you and even can touch!
You’re not just a dream, you are here, you’re with me,
I can not believe that it’s reality»

I’ll answer you: «Baby, if you only knew,
I nearly was broken and dead without you,
You saved me, you came to me, I am alive,
I knew that without you I couldn’t survive»

There will be on Earth our own paradise,
And no single tear will be shed from my eyes,
We’ll grow old together, we’ll have 22,
You know what I mean,
And I’ll do it for you ))

But now it’s real hard time, you’re so far away,
And all I can do is just dreaming this way.
I hope and I pray for my baby to come,
I wait for you, love you, you’re my number one!