The Player

Ñòîðì Áðýäèò
The Gambler wants to play this game,
And softly makes me play it too.
You name it “love”, I name it “pain”,
No kind of pray will save from you.

The words are knives that hit the hearts.
Eyes pin the bleeding soul as a butterfly.
You cheat? I quit. No more night lasts.
Your siren’s song can’t bring me high.

Who knew, who saw, who told the truth?
With gentle warmth in voice -
You lied, I swear, and have a proof –
All boys and girls that were your toys.

My Player, aren’t now you furious?
You failed – I ran away this day.
But night is coming soon, it’s obvious,
So I’ll be yours again – forever as today.

I will be back, my love,
I will be free.
The Player isn’t strong enough,
You’ll see.