Orchid And Mantis

Роберт Грустный
(remaked for anns fusion plans)

Pale midnight has covered shy leaf -
The sickening slime falls from greaves.
Lush flowering fades. Cant inhale murder rustles
Of mire in veins. Not to meddle in tussles.

Revere the victim and save
An ardent delight. Would be craved
The flesh and the blood? Stone-cold exultation.
Decision to slay is a breathing of passion.

To give me some drops of pure dew:
Foul liquid mismatch' with a clue.
The sin gets revealed. Moon is shining so brightly,
But shroud of sight trikens lying and tightly.

The secular wishes prevailes -
A moral value turns to tails.
Dissimilar thoughts are exposed to erasing:
Injustice is cause of an eternal fazing.

    For the beauty you'll suffer and die!
    Brittle stem of your soul trembles slightly all over.
    Tender pental of light has been changed to eery, -
    Dismal sunset is burned by the last from your lovers!
