Little essay about men

The woman is an illusion for a men.
Man lives for women, that really does not exist.
A man wakes up with the idea of a beautiful lady and falls asleep
with the same idea.
Vain act of women to look better and bringeth forth tons of expensive cosmetics, when only one word is enough, and the man was blind as a mole.
One word, and he sees you, queen.
And you can safely continue to walk in a crumpled pajamas after waking up with matted hair and unwashed face.
One word, and the man already somewhere up in the clouds.
What kind of romance - these men.
And most importantly, how handsome.
They do not have to lengthen the lashes and painted them black ink,
impose a blush on the cheeks and think of gait.
Nature has given them all this in exchange, taking from them the whole mind.
And not true, that man loves by his eyes, and a woman by her ears.
Quite the contrary.
After all, men are more vivid in their nature than women.
It is not in vain.
And women are more practical.