I flew easily over the stairs - А. Ахматова

Марина Ермолова
I flew easily over the stairs,
Though I felt cold and helpless inside.
Afterwards I discovered to wear
My left glove on the right hand that night.

Final footsteps lasted for ages,
But I knew: stairs were only three.
Then a whisper from autumn maples
Asked me tenderly: “Die with me.

My misfortune capricious and weird
Has betrayed and resulted untrue.”
I replied to him: “Yes, my dear.
Mine the same. I will die with you.”

Song of Love was accomplished there.
I looked up at the gloomy house:
From the bedroom the candles stared
With their yellow indifferent eyes.

17 февраля 2010

Оригинал: «Песня последней встречи» А.Ахматовой