Elements English version

Татьяна Княжна
When I'm FIRE - I'm PASSION, i burn!
So be careful when getting too close.
You are risking to never return
From the dream that you willingly chose.

When I'm EARTH - I am LIFE itself.
Taking care of your slightest needs.
Reuniting what's broken in half,
I shall heal every wound that bleeds...

When you try to ATTACK ME - I'm AIR.
All your efforts to hurt me will fail.
I decide for myself what's fair,
And my justice will always prevail !

When I'm WATER - I'm LOVE.. Behold!
Once You fall in the depths of my heart
And your soul starts to sing, truth be told,
You will never desire to part...

There are several forces of Life,
All uniting within me as one.
I'm your friend, i'm your lover and wife.
I'm your moonlight and i am your sun...

Originally written in Russian, now translated in English.

