Barely heard

Jena Woodhouse
Who would have thought
a watercourse in full spate 
could be barely heard,
voiceless but for sounds
of smaller bodies, waterborne
as crews of rowing sculls
or solitary river-haunting birds:
masked herons with El Greco mien
and elongated necks, that honk
from transoms scaffolding pontoons;
lone pelicans that ply the lower reaches,
passage puckering the surface
with the cut and thrust of pinions;
wagtails rattling and piping
in the fretted mangrove screen;
a leaping fish delirious with fear
or fish adrenalin that rises
with incursions of the tide:
water is implied, not heard,
insinuating presence as a cat does
with the merest hint of fur;
or blood that inundates the veins
and drowns the heart's flood-plain
in frequencies the human ear