Just try to be open...

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Just try to be open.
Just try to be free.
Attempt to take over
All things that you need.

Let’s see what you have.
Let’s just cross the line.
Be moving ahead,
You shouldn’t stand behind.

We’ll flow inside out
Through future, the past.
The present is now.
Just do all we must.

Your energy’s rising
Reflecting your choice.
You wish you could fly up.
Will you be the first?!

The space shows the meaning,
The truth hides inside.
But curtain is falling,
You’ll see what is right.

The world is too different.
You tried to find out
Where love could be hidden.
Can answer me how?

The love’s all around you,
Look over your mind.
Don’t need to be frighten.
You don’t need to fight.

Intention’s your mirror,
You’re building your life.
You feel you are growing
To silence and light.