The last glimmer

Татьяна Сидоренко 3
Why are we born to Earth?
Why do we cry and laugh?
And giving our vows the birth,
Why do we burn with love?
And who invented such sweet words,
Which can become so rough and tender,
And once they crept into your heart
You find them difficult to render...
I promise you that I'll be gone,
But keeping you inside my spirit.
I'll speak to lonely moon outside,
I'll bear this pain... but once I'll kill it.
I want to feel myself alive,
Or just pretend that I'm still breathing
But looking at this dying light,
I feel the chilling horror seething.
Don't fade! Don' t go! Come back! I beg you!
Allow to warm myself for a while,
Let spark of memory play on the wind
Before I clean my face of smile.