Music of life plays in my soul the role

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Music of life plays in my soul the role
Of  the guide in the unknown zone.
No pride and no regret for the past,
At last I live as I like because I am left alone,
Forgotten both by aliens and allies.

Who switches off the day light
And turns it on at dawn?
Laws of nature or Supreme Reason?
In summer I wonder, why is sun so bright,
In winter – why snow is so white.
Why is every season divided into months, zodiac signs?
Why plane is determined by two lines?
Who signs the order for Moon to grow?
If you know all secrets, tell me. Don’t be slow.
Why is number  ; close to eleven,
Multiplied by two, divided by seven?
The holy number of archangels, planets, days of week …
If your mind is weak, leave mysteries to sages
Who told us at distant ages that the world
Is ruled by numbers. And sleep in slumbers in the whirl 
Of galaxies and fields, where proud reason yields.

My imagination like cinema shows me future generations
On other stars and planets as new civilizations,
Spreading from Earth, the place of their birth,
To the multi-dimensional sphere of the universe
Like running away galaxies after the initial burst.

My soul is a flower,
Growing to the light and warmth of sun.
My spirit is the power of  God inside.
My body serves me till the edge of abyss,
Where I’ll fly to the sky. We live on Earth only once
And than reincarnate in seven heavens,
Where stars dance after the earthly trance.
And God give us a new chance.