My poetry is a trace of light in my soul

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My poetry is a trace of light in my soul.
I looked into the face of space
And smiled at my earthly dole.
I’m a phoenix, rising from the ashes after crashes. 
I ride the wave of luck in the chaos of the unexpected,
God elected us for a lesson for the old and wise
Who close eyes and collapse like a black hole
After the brilliant role and achieving their goal.
A superstar can be persuasive and attractive,
But time wipes it away. I’m a small ray
For distant future, my impulse will be active
In limitless vast space as long as human race
Searches for harmony inside and outside.

I ride the wave of power with a fire sword in my hand
In the wonderland of five dimensions and abroad.
I visit invisibly other counties to inquire why
They are sleeping like my proud motherland.
Earth is a particle of dust in the vast emptiness of light.
Men forget about eternity and loose themselves in time.
I might fly away for ever to a lonely paradise,
But my rime calls me back to my disguise.

A candle at the wind dies and a big fire grows.
Who knows his potential before he tries?
A looser chooses the quietude of a bog,
A fool drifts along the river like a log.
My choice is the risk of heavenly adventures
And earthly ventures with the dice of art.
I must be smart to conquer some attention or success,
But I saw only mice and played with Satan  tricky chess.

My window opens to heaven, my door – to earth.
When I look at planets and Moon or Sun,
Determining my horoscope of birth,
I learn the future and get some intellectual fun.
But outdoors I still prefer flowers and birds.