
Ñåðæ Íàçàð

I experiment with versions of my future and my luck,            
I try fiery ideas and look at the shining diamonds and ashes.
Blue logic smashes fools like a heavily-loaded truck,
A yellow explosion of energy, compressed in a small book,
Can remove brown mountains from the way of silver water,
Bringing green life to sleeping forests, fields and lawns.
And yellow Moon, the Mother Nature’s naughty daughter,
Dances all silver starry nights through till pink dawns,      
Casting blue spells and yawns after the black slaughter.

I send a red fiery arrow to the violet night space
With silver mirth to efface any extraterrestrial disgrace,
To erase even the trace of evil all around our blue Galaxy
And blue Earth for the green rebirth after bankruptcy
Of  the white religious mind, embracing, soft and kind.

Yellow-green lemon of Moon is sour by taste.
Like a pale shy virgin’s chaste and evasive waist.
You can’t reach and catch it for your silver fun
Though it she is not a black dumpy nun.
So is the bluebird of luck, flying above an air gun.

You never know for sure beforehand in this land,
Who is your black enemy and who’s your white friend.
In a labyrinth feel your glimmering way by the third eye,
The blue sixth sense, finding the quintessence of the light.
In art search for the colorful flight and might,
In life – for sages, who are sometimes right.
You think they don’t exist? I don’t insist,
But remember that every one attracts his like.

Sun is burning in the blue sky like a yellow fire eye.
White clouds fly with the invisible wind, where they will.
Lucid rains fall down to the green grass as bright days pass.
Lemony moon in autumn drops to the pond’s bottom.
Brown bears fall asleep for a white winter trance.
Trees wave their multi-color hands in a farewell dance.
Stones, eternal thrones stay immovable in their stance


A rainbow reminds the world of joy
And happiness, lost by humanity long ago,
Caught by a shroud Devil’s ploy and decoy.
Sun’s glow is transformed into a colorful overflow,
Showing  boys below the heavenly choice,
That they can make near the mountain lake.
Full of silent peace among flowers and bees
I walk through the field with brilliant shield
And a laser sword like an alien lord,
Invited for a char from a distant star.

My world is different from yours
Because  I lived for years in cosmic space
As a scout at an alien military base.
Invisible to cautious hosts as a ghost
I passed by their guards and posts
To study their interstellar ships and tips
For access to inter-galaxy  trips
And success in the astral haze.

Aliens may be good and evil too, but they are not fools.
To exceed the speed of light in astral flights
They must surpass themselves and our impass.

Big Bang is the start of space and time
Like illumination is the source of any mystic rhyme.
Origin of life is a riddle, reminding of a lonely fiddle
In the moony night. The sight of a spring flower
Gives power to verse and explains the birth of universe.

Tao is the way of nature, leading a wise man
To harmony with Earth and Heaven,
Which he can scan at any span.
Seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes
Are a ladder to the internal and eternal haven,
Where he floats with clouds-boats.
If you understand, what is Zen,
You come back is to Eden.


Life is a strife for happiness, a fight for self-realization.
Cinema and music stars like extraterrestrial civilizations 
Shine from their strange inner worlds with views and news
About our own future, because they are ahead of time
And can sublime the instincts and desires of a nation.
Prime principles of nature hide inside the true fruit of art.
I throw a dart to a cynical critic and hit him in the eye.
I don’t need any sanctions from an authoritative guy
On the throne of a drone. I don’t lie prone to a gnome.
Under the official dome of some New Rome inquisition
I choose an erect position and constructive propositions.
I’m a new anomalous zone. I suggest to postpone all bans
For my galaxy romance. And just have a dance.

Fairy-tales reflect distant past and distant worlds,
Where wizards are quite true, though we are through
With their rein. Fantasy may be realistic too. Magic whirls
Cause astral interstellar storms, which stop astral ships
At havens from their trips. And heavens form a tunnel
To transport back to the port others who can’t funnel
Home with gold, pearl and diamond drips.
Space is rich but to reach it you must find a breach.

Chamomiles smile at the wind and send
Their fragrance to the field’s end,
Where I stand reflecting on the sight of white.

My cat stretches its paws like a ninja scout,
Before he catches in his trap a witty chap
Without any doubt about his reflexes, incomes, taxes.
Ninja never laughs aloud and is never proud
Of his skills, although he really kills.
My knife is sparkling in the night like my life.
I have a real drive for adventures and revenge.
Nothing can change my mind, because I’m not blind.
If you are not my friend and still pretend, that is your end.
I’ll send you to the hell with a ringing silver bell.


Life goes on in spite of fright and mars.
Instincts and positive reflexes help to overcome all bars.
I’m an optimist by nature as Sagittarius, the archer-warrior
Against the black magic of depression with the gloria
Of persistent  luck. I struck in the darkness of a cave
The evil shadow of fear. When you are bright and brave
Ghosts disappear. Faith is the real power of success,
The less you hesitate the more treasures you access.

I’d like to live somewhere around the Pacific ocean,
In the kingdom of Sun, where rein lucid emotions
Far from the Atlantic brain and intellectual fun.
I’d prefer poetry to the science of stars, Venus to Mars,
Love to war as I did, before came the time of the game.
I’ve made my stakes and all possible mistakes,
Now I’ve won and my enemy is gone. So why not relax
Like wax and transform into the norm?

Snowdrops remind me of shy and pale virgins,
Waiting for a real love after fairy-tales dreams.
Sun urges their teams to rise and blossom,
To breathe with the free and full bosom the smell of spring.
The spell of the wizard’s ring, the vibration of the string.

The ratio of a circle to its radius is forty four to seven,
Four multiplied by eleven. Phases of any cycle of life.
Its center radiates with the holy light of Heaven
And the circle itself means Earth, the created universe.
Radius starts as a ray of light from zero, emptiness, null,
Seven holy visible planets correspond to its seven parts.
Maths aren’t dull like a scull if you yourself alive.
Do you know why the snow is white? It reflects all light.
Eleven years of sun’s activity is a key too, four is a cross.
Like four weeks in a month. The meaning of numbers
Can be seen not in slumbers but in real space and time.
Where they rein and restrain chaos, slime and crime
From human fate and inner state. Or from my rhymes .


I am a diamond, produced by the high pressure
Of enemies in the hard circumstances of my life.
I am the treasure of the future, for so far I’m not found
And I’m bound to solitude and streaming light.
Adamant logic saves my time and forces from waste
And my intuition leads me from some losses to clear taste.
Both hemispheres of the brain are true, I’m through
With rationalism and big bosses. From  politics I withdrew.
Blue mountains hide me from the noisy fools in a hut,
Where I am shut. The wind cools my stream of thoughts.
White eagles guard my dream under the pine.
All is really fine and I cut myself all ties with the past.
No matter how fast would be my success I guess
I’d better leave the best of it to the rest and be the last.

Luck must be deserved. Either by yourself
Or by your ancestors. All deeds are fixed in the book
On the shelf of heaven. God doesn’t look at your face,
He looks into your heart and His grace flows to those,
Who already have a lot in spirit and soul. Turn your nose
To the rose, it’s natural and easy. God is busy,
But He likes what smells right and finds time for the goal
Of  delight. Play your role to the end and He will send
An angel as your friend. Love meets love, hate meets hate.
Undeserved luck is just a bait. If you are true and versatile,
God will smile and find jobs for all your ten hands.
In distant lands people wait for His word in the dirt.
And a lotus of faith grows up from it to space.

A diamond and a lotus match like a man and woman.
It is only human to unite the opposites in one.
Logic and imagination are two sides of the brain,
If you train both, you are close to the state of mind,
Required for a breakthrough to Sun. Be kind to your kind,
And aliens will trust you too. When you’ll moan alone,
in an anomal zone, stars will tinkle you by phone.


Where do I live and where do I go?
I really don’t know. I just follow the flow
And drift to the sea to see what’s it all about.
I’m not proud of my gifts and don’t laugh aloud
At the misfortunes of unlucky fellows
On the dry mellows. What lifts me up?
A cup of tea or coffee. That’s a joke.
I lift myself  with the wind of luck. I provoke
Doubt in my saneness by my space visions,
But all religions declare some truths, they can not prove.
Is poetry different?  No, a poet is a prophet of some times.
Though you may not approve of such beliefs and rimes.
He is not a stiff chief, responsible and heavy like a stone.
He is alone and has nothing to loose. So he is free
In his imagination and can fleet from rigid facts to versions,
Discovering real, but hidden distortions and proportion
Of truth and beauty. He acts like a scout in an enemy zone.
And he can phone future generations of all nations.
I write both in English and in Russian for the discussion
And promotion of Chan Buddhism of ancient China,
So I’m universal and versatile as an angel’s smile.

When you are sad or mad, things are not really so bad
As you think. Just wink to the mirror and cheer up.
Drink a cup of light from Sun, link to friends in heaven.
Seven archangels and  four apocalypse zodiac signs –
Lion, Taurus, Eagle (Scorpio), and Angel (Aquarius) –
Make eleven holy creatures, glorifying God and life as fine.
The cross of Apocalypses, or a square, is Earth, the fourth
From Sun. Or four elements of nature, fire, air, water, earth.

The structure of the universe is formed by numbers -
One plus three makes four, three plus four – seven,
The sum of each two numbers is the next. These texts
Follow this simple school rule for the teens to the full –
Seven and eleven are eighteen, eleven and eighteen – 29 …


Twenty nine is the number of days in a month.
Arts must be fine not only in content but also in form.
This is my norm. A storm of emotions in the oceans
Can drown you down to the deep to eternal sleep.
A furious wind can sweep you away as dust in the steep.
That is not my way. I contemplate and I’m never late.
You can find the proper state of mind in a lake or a pond,
If you move slowly as a snake and don’t respond
To fools. Heaven cools a soul with blue. Find a clue inside.
The glue of illusions sticks to red bricks. To decide
What’s right your mind must be bright and light.
You must be slow in preparations and quick in reactions.
You can ride the wave and enjoy its might.

My farewell song is not so strong, I look into your eyes
And see myself. A reflection or a recollection of the past.
Love has passed and at last I don’t fear to be near.
Your hair is in despair like clouds in the windy sky.
Moon in the window is sad and I’m glad you passed me by.
When you’ll finally disappear fading from my view,
I’ll become new as a phoenix, rising from the ashes.
Your lashes tremble and you resemble a terrible ghost,
You died before me, when you decided to leave.
But will you resurrect? If I post a hello, will you retrieve
Your mood? And should I believe in your halo?
But it is time to part for ever and to start lonely life of stars.
Now your planet is Venus, my planet and fate is Mars.

Wisdom, power and  love are three steps to eternity.
Thesis, antithesis and synthesis of salvation or liberation
Of your soul as the goal of your life. Angelic fraternity
Will accept you to the tetrahedron of four dimensions
By your deeds and your intensions that came true.
I’m through and I’m blue. But I’ll return and  burn you
With my love to ashes. Beauty is a threat and challenge.
It smashes and changes men. The same is Zen.

                0:10, 7.12.2010