Christ - Italian Sonnet

Павел Ничков
revision of Mar 04, 2011
Once long ago there raised the brightest star.
To bring us light, to free our poor dark souls
God sent his only Son to bloody Earth.
To worship Him, the magi came afar.

They brought Him adoration, gold and herbs,
He aimed to lead the world to a new age.
But men of power newer need a sage,
And they have crucified him on the cross.

Men had no sanctuary ever since,
Cupidity and hate now guide the world,
Brain washed, integrity replaced with gloss,
That came best good what always was grave sins.
The star went out; souls are sold for gold.
Betrayed and lost, Christ's silent on his cross


initial version:

Once long ago there raised the brightest star.
To bring us light, to free our poor dark souls
God sent his only Son to bloody Earth.
To let us know the magi came from far.

They brought Him adoration, gold and herbs,
He aimed to lead the world to a new age.
But humans' power never needs a sage,
And people executed Him on cross.

Men never had a sanctuary since that,
Cupidity and hate now govern world.
Brains washed, no heart, integrity no ounce,
We play the games the moneychangers set.
The star went out; souls are sold for gold...
Betrayed by men, keeps silence Christ on cross.
Pavel Nichkov

Every critique is welcome
Dec 30, 2010: line 11, "identity" replaced with "integrity"