Ты как воздушный замок...

Гулин Света
You're like a Palace in the mountains
that stands so lone and bare
with pinnacles and fountains
and flowers everywhere.
You're like a Palace there in Paris,
but You are more than that...
You're like a Palace in the mountains,
the greatest I have met..
with pinnacles and porches
and roses everywhere,
with tulips, palms and birches
and creepers on its stair.
You're like a heaven pure in Florence,
so starry, blue and vast,
with comets, asteroids
and sparkling cosmic dust.
You're like a Tender Clever Sphere
without wars and darts..
just smiles, laugh and cheer
and Unity of Hearts.
You're like a proud virgin Nature,
a beautiful white swan,
You'll never be the capture,
You are to fly alone.
You're like a Palace in the mountains,
You stand so gross and sound
with pinnacles and fountains
on Swedish solid ground.