
Мария-Антуанетта Дмитриева
How much I want to tell you and explain
I apologize for the hurt and your pain
Day after day, time for time
You become invisible for my main
If I tell you hurtful words
I'm sorry, you're my world
You're always beside me, you're so needed
Though you make me long ago condemned

 Sorry, sorry for the disagreement
We will always be togetherI believe it
You are my support, you're my hero
Even  I said that you are  zero

Sorry, sorry for my wrongs
Thank you for your patience during this time long
Give me time, give me believe
You know that I must leave

Sometimes I can not understand
Immediately change I just can't
I have my own wounds, just understand them
We will be with you as the bun and jam
As Beebe and Bob
Patrick and SpongeBob
We're friends, and even more
Hold my hand and eternity for ...