Save paedophiles

Кирилл Галабурда
by Cyril Galaburda

O child, they’re really thinking how
To strip you of the very right
To have a pleasure here and now.
And being virgin not a mite

They just want purity for you.
They’re copulating being old
But this pastime is just for dew,
For young and curious and dolled.

They fill madhouses with the rakes
If they are children treating them
As equal just to us. That makes
Them our brothers being hemed.

Know your martyrs, child, by sight
That sacrificed themselves to love
Both from and to young, pretty, bright,
Concerned and juvenile dove.

We have forbidden fruits for you
By way of nice perverted lust
But we are going to be mewed
Up with castration for the rust.

We hate, as you, obedience, norms
And ask for help to pull it down.
Mob law is trifle if I’ll warm
To you with seeds of lust that sown.

Night before 04/28/2011