Девятое ава

Девятое ава
Восходит кроваво.
Расплата без меры
За слабости веры.
Два на сердце шрама,
Два разрушенных храма.

Но в душах отстроены храмов руины,
- Их носят евреи в себе до кончины.
Возносит молитвы народ мой гонимый,
Вновь храм обретём мы в Иерусалиме!
For almost two thousand years the Ninth of Av comes as a painful reminder to Jews of the payback without a measure for their weakness of faith.
There are two aching scars on the heart of Jewish people, which represent two ruined Jerusalem temples.
But the temple's ruins have been rebuilt in the Jewish souls.
In those cherished spiritual temples the daily prayers of my people are chanted
asking and hoping that in the days to come once again the Jewish nation will deserve the reward from above to rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem, which will last forever!