
София Юзефпольская-Цилосани
dedicated to marina tsvetaeva and the rest of .....

when i was a child
my parents lifted me
on a kitchen stool
to read poetry
for sentimental
family friends

I climb the stool

and write poetry
for sentimental passers by
who drop in
to sit out in the rain
in the pit or in the gallery
of my home
drama theater

someday I will
the stool
from under my feet
and suffocate
in the loop
of blue lips
for the sake
of the sentimental God

since the blue lips
are as beautiful as
the creation
of the stars

on the other hand

since there is no

the loop hangs above
any stool
in any kitchen

of eternal childhood

this is something that
Mom and Dad did not know

19 Май 2010 г.