My career

Лейсан Имангулова
Рассказик, естественно, написан c ошибками, выпускницей средней провинциальной школы. По английскому языку на 1 курсе задали написать сочинение "Моя будущая карьера". Не хотелось писать то, что может вследствие поменяться, не сбыться, быть осмеянным, поэтому заранее выдумка. Но сказка - ложь, да в ней намёк,...)))

In 2149.  In the office of a doctor.

«Breathe, please. No breathe. Breathe. What I can to say? You in age 156 years old, but your health as a girl's of 60. You even can fly in space. Were you on Venus? People say that Oliver opened wonderful health resort.” 
- Oliver? This person can do from hell piece of paradise. But he cooks the worst burgers in the galaxy. And I am bisy. I am with Albert Einstein and with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky decided go to Italy at XV century.
Leonardo da Vinci wants to show his latest picture and he promised to tell secret: “Why Mona Lisa smiling?”
- I hope you will tell me, why? I want to know too.
- I do not know. If Leonardo da Vinci would have no objection.
- O’key. Tell me, please, LI*, how you became a traveler in time? This is request of my daughter.
- If daughter requested you, then listen me. I am graduated 
Building university and 10 years worked in project institute. But one day I checked the ventilation system in a old building and found the manuscript. It had a lot of dust, and I guessed that about manuscripts of no one knows. I took it in the home. But I could not even imagine how valuable were content  this manuscripts. In these papers have been written about  famous  Philadelphia Experiment, "The unified field theory" of Einstein, Tesla's developments of teleportation, and more.  I found that as long we choose between Coke and Sprite, in the world really interesting questions are remains unanswered.
I read all, every page, every letter.  I decided to give the manuscript at to the state. But I was accused of stealing and me sent to prison. The manuscripts were confiscated. But not all. They learned how to increase the life expectancy of people to move in space, significantly increased speed of space rockets, found a way to change the atmosphere of planets. But motion on the fourth dimension is only available to me. In prison, I had plenty of time to construct a time machine. When I was released, I built it.  In the first year I traveled a lot, without stopping on one time period a more week. I was in the past, looked what life was like in reality. If you want to know, our history books are as valuable as the tales of "Three Little Pigs" and "Little Red Riding Hood." I met with various scientists, writers, artists and other.
I also visited future. Seeing that the existing system will soon cease to exist, I came back into the present and waited for this moment. When the government was replaced, I told about myself the world. I became a time-traveler. I became written books on history, in the authenticity of which hardly anyone do not believe.
That is all. Sorry, I'm in a hurry.  Einstein and Tsiolkovsky probably tired of waiting me. Bye-bye.

LI* -  Leisan Imangulova  - моё настоящее имя