Like flesh and blood...

Пилипенко Сергей
Like flesh and blood of a dying man,
His mind and spirit and his senses,
Everything just turns to sand,
But what is left? What is the answer?
The answer is pain, blood, destruction,
Sick intelligence, immoral deeds,
Perverts, criminals, corruption,
Crying women and small kids.
And evil spreads among the races
Like a virus of a swine flu,
Everything's in total crisis.
Now we have crimes, but there's no clue.
Who can stand up for the changes?
It's not over, not the end.
Still some of us believe in angels
And wait for them their love to send.
Those who with devil let them fade,
Let them burn themselves to ashes.
It's up to us within decades
To give the world a renovation.
We live until our mind's alive,
Until our heart is fair inside
And when we make someone to die,
We leave as well, so you decide.
Now is the time to realise
Wether we're a human nation
Or mindless creatures made for lies,
Serving Devil with affection.